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About the Dilays group, Wikipedia tells us this - two sisters: Yana and Natasha - grew up in a favorable and wealthy family. The father wanted the best for his daughters - a good education, career growth. But the girls' desire to sing was stronger than their father's ambitions.
On Valentine's Day - February 14, 2009, the sisters decided to create a duet group called "Delays". The goal of the girls was to convey all the emotions, passion and experiences that they had accumulated in their souls with singing and music.
Yana came up with the name of the group quite by accident. Talking to their sister, they discussed the problem of show business. The discussion concerned the fact that girls need to find their listener, to occupy their niche. The conversation boiled down to the need for a certain concept - the concept of pleasure. It is this phrase, translated into French, sounds like "delice". Yana interpreted the name in "Delays". Emotion was what the music really lacked, and the sisters decided to fix it.
Since the girls were music lovers, they immediately decided on the genre of performance. It was POP Dance. This genre was more than suitable for their work.
In the spring of 2009, the girls recorded their first song called "Hot Summer", Evgeny Fokin helps them in this. Right at the recording studio, a decision is made to shoot a video for the song they are working on. The decision was spontaneous and conscious at the same time. In August of the same year, the performers began to shoot a video in the "Delays" company. Long filming took place in Kiev, then in the Crimea. Finally, the debut presentation took place at the show of Yulia Aisina, and immediately became a hit.
The girls made acquaintances, in particular with clip-maker Vladimir Yakimenko, who became interested in the singers and began to produce them, seeing in them a good potential for show business. He also became a director for the clip "Delays" - Desire, at the end of 2009.
A year later "Desire" delayed song entered the TOP-100 of the most hit songs in Russia and Ukraine.
In January 2010, the girls decide to shoot a video for the song "Let Go". It is significant for them because, while still young and not popular, the composition was written by them long before the fame that they gained after a while. Dmitry Kurganov took up the video clip. He felt emotions and understood the girls perfectly.
In the same year the song "Desire" brought the group the honorary award "Shlyager". Having entered the image a little, the girls are filmed in a new video called "Sexy Business" in the form of predators and sexy ladies.
The Delays group did not position itself as a commercial project. The girls lived by this. Each new project was for them a piece of something new and emotional.
The girls opened up for themselves and reached the level they needed.
Natasha, on the recommendation of her father, entered the Faculty of Philology and completed an internship in Great Britain and Spain. In search of herself, she returned to her homeland. Realizing that she does not have a soul for this specialty, the girl retrained at the Faculty of Management, having received a second higher education.
Yana entered the European University at the Faculty of Law. Despite her ambitions and difficult character, she listened to her father and began to build a professional career.